Shell LubeAnalyst is like a health check for your lubricants & equipment. It is a condition monitoring service which helps keep your customers business running smoothly.
You cannot manage what you do not measure. With regular oil sampling you are able to measure the condition of the oil and the equipment. You can trend wear-rates across a fleet of equipment, identify common problem areas and identify serious issues before they cause costly downtime or damage to equipment. This information allows you to plan maintenance interventions as necessary and minimize the impact of to daily business activities.
What are the benefits?
Equipment failures mean downtime, lost production and could even be potentially harmful to people or the environment. Shell LubeAnalyst will help your customers save money on maintenance and potential lost production by providing a powerful database of results and an early warning system. It gives users peace of mind that both the equipment/vehicles & lubricants are in good condition
How to download the app: Apple and Google Play app stores > search for ‘Shell LubeAnalyst’